This my summary of black metal from 2023. Here you can find the new and upcoming albums that I recommend and will check out. If you have any 2023 black metal recommendations, feel free to hit me up. I’m on Instagram and many other places, and as a fellow music-nerd, I’ll gladly check it out! Hope you find some solid music on this web site!
Black metal 2022 was a huge failure, I admit, so this time I will try to do scheduled monthly updates. And as usual, bare with my lacking black metal knowledge, it’s probably not improving in 2023.
About me – deathdoom.com, music and more

- Stefan Nordström
- Musician, songwriter, content creator, digital freelancer
- Stockholm, Sweden
- Bands: Desolator, Soliloquium, Ending Quest, Ashes of Life, Trees of Daymare, The Ashen Tree
- Social: Facebook | Instagram | YouTube
Best 2023 black metal albums
- Dawn of Ouroboros – Velvet Incandescence
- Miserere Luminis – Ordalie
- Vorna – Aamunkoi
- Afsky – Om hundrede år
- Imperium Dekadenz – Into Sorrow Evermore
- Aara – Triade III: Nyx
- Antrisch – Expedition II : Die Passage
- Porta Nigra – Weltende
- Enslaved – Heimdal
Upcoming black metal from 2023
Grá – Lycaon (13 January)
2023 marks the fourth full-length album from this Swedish spiritual black metal band.
Imperium Dekadenz – Into Sorrow Evermore (20 January)
Seventh full-length album from this veteran German band. If you like your black metal atmospheric, like I do, it’ll be worth checking out.
Thoughts: solid release, and I should definitely dig into this band more!
…And Oceans – As in Gardens, So in Tombs (27 January)
These Finnish symphonic/melodic black metal veterans are back with a new album in 2023. I quite enjoyed their last album from 2020, so I will be checking this one out, too!
Ashen Horde – Antimony (27 January)
U.S. progressive black metal band Ashen Horde will release their fourth-full length in early 2023. The band’s popularity is steadily increasing, so they’re surely doing things right.
Bizarrekult – Den tapte krigen (27 January)
A Russian band relocated to Norway, now singing in Norwegian? Sounds intriguing, and I’ve seen people praise Bizarrekult. Definitely warrants a listen.
Lesath – There Is a Profound Sense in Which We Are Isolated (3 February)
Atmospheric black metal from India. I enjoyed some of Lesath’s previous output, so it will be interesting to hear where the band is at in 2023.
Enisum – Forgotten Mountains (17 February)
Fifth full-length album from this nature-inspired black metal from Italy.
Enslaved – Heimdal (3 March)
Enslaved keep going, and regardless of era and style, their albums are usually quality. “Heimdal” is full-length album #16 (!).
Judgement: my usual reaction for Enslaved, quality but probably not something I will return to that much
Afsky – Om hundrede år (15 March)
This album is highly rated among 2023 black metal, and I can see why. My favorite so far from this atmospheric Danish act.
Mork – Dypet (24 March)
Norwegian black metal, anyone? Mork’s upcoming album, the band’s sixths full-length, is quite hyped – so let’s hope it can deliver!
Aara – Triade III: Nyx (31 March)
Aara is a band with growing popularity, and it seems its for good reasons, given the music that I’ve heard. “Triade III: Nyx” is the third part of the triad of albums, and the fifth full-length in total.
Judgement: as expected, really good stuff! My favorite from the band so far.
Antrisch – Expedition II : Die Passage (6 April)
I really enjoyed this atmospheric piece of German black metal. Very surprised to hear it’s their debut, given the quality.
Our Throne – Withered and Forgotten (7 April)
If you like some desperation in your black metal, “Withered and Forgotten” is a good choice.
Dawn of Ouroboros – Velvet Incandescence (21 April)
Really loved this band’s debut album, so a new release in 2023 is certainly good news. Very cool style crossover between black metal, prog, melodeath and more, and judging by “Rise from Disillusion”, the band is in great shape yet again.
Vorna – Aamunkoi (21 April)
Vorna is an interesting Finnish band that transcends a lot of borders, mixing black metal with folk and darker doomier tones. I really dig them, and judging by single “Hiljaisuus ei kestä”, 2023 will bring another quality release.
Austere – Corrosion of Hearts (28 April)
Does depressive black metal with really long songs sound interesting? Then the new Austere album might be for you!
Immortal – War Against All (26 May)
Can’t say a new Immortal album excites me particularly much on a personal level, but what would a black metal 2023 article be without it?
Miserere Luminis – Ordalie (23 June)
It took this band 14 years to come out with their second album, but it’s definitely a cool one. One of my fav black metal albums of this year – truly a treat for atmospheric black fans!
Listen: “Le Sang des Rêves”
Blackbraid – Blackbraid II (7 July)
The Blackbraid hype is huge, but in my mind, this second album is not quite as good as the first one.
Porta Nigra – Weltende (28 July)
Angrymetalguy really liked this one, and I can see why! Quite a varied and moody black metal album that’s well worth checking out.
Blut Aus Nord – Disharmonium (25 August)
Blut Aus Nord plays some damn crazy stuff, so I’m definitely interested in hearing in what the band has to offer in 2023.
Other 2023 metal articles:
Progressive metal from 2023 ->
Best new metal albums from 2023 ->