Bandcamp Friday is a concept by Bandcamp to help struggling musicians during the pandemic. The concept consists of Bandcamp waiving their usual fees to give additional support to the artists. It’s become a popular and recurring thing. In this article you can read more about Bandcamp Friday, including what you as a music fan or music creator can do.
When is Bandcamp Friday?
Right now Bandcamp Friday occurs the first Friday every month. We’ll see how long that routine will stick, but I’m guessing they will keep going as long as the pandemin keeps decimating live music around the world. It’s far from a solution to the problem, but it’s nice to see the platform doing all it can to help the musicians during these hard times.
Why Bandcamp Friday?
The pandemic has made many musicians unable to tour, crippling their opportunity to make money from their music. That’s why the concept is so important. It’s also a good promotion method for the Bandcamp platform and the musicians.
The effect of Bandcamp Friday
Personally, I noticed the effect of Bandcamp Friday the most in the beginning. Nowadays, Facebook groups are overcrowded with bands trying to promote their music on the occasion, making it hard to make a big splash. But I still try. Don’t get me wrong, there’s still an effect, but it’s far from as big as it was in the beginning.
How to promote your band on Bandcamp Friday
As I said, Bandcamp Friday means a super-crowded social media landscape when it comes to underground music. Everyone are sharing links and trying to get some extra revenue. Does that mean that you should skip out on promoting your band on Bandcamp Friday? No, not all! You just need to change how you do it.
Sharing links in Facebook groups and talking about it on your social media pages is all good. But if you get unique and creative it will stand out more, and it’s definitely needed in this case. Why not make some unique video material, for instance? Or connect the occasion to a contest, Q&A or give-away?
The future of Bandcamp Friday
For now, it seems Bandcamp Friday will be a recurring thing. Hopefully, Bandcamp will modify the concept to become more interesting so it doesn’t lose its edge. And why not keep doing something similar even after the pandemic stops crippling musicians? I’m hoping that they will keep going, because it’s definitely something that helps us undergroudn musicians. We sell more merch and make more money. And even more importantly, there’s something to talk about so we can promote our music even more.
My bands
I’m an underground musician involved in many different projects as a vocalist and/or guitarist. If you’re reading this, I’m guessing you have an interest in underground music. So I’d love if you checked them out. I’ll leave some links for Bandcamp and Spotify below!

My death metal band that was started in 2009. We have released two full-length albums – the latest one is 2020’s “Sermon of Apathy”. Check us out and support us below:
My progressive death/doom metal band that was started in 2011. There are three Soliloquium albums – the latest one is 2020’s “Things We Leave Behind”. Check us out and support us below: