“Vakaren” is the only Swedish-language track by favorite band Katatonia, a bonus track on the 2016 album “The Fall of Hearts”. It’s one of the recurring tracks in my singing playlist, and also the only Swedish track I’m comfortable singing, so I always toyed with the idea of recording a cover. And last year, I finally got started, together with my talented friends Giovanni Vigliotti (Somnent), and Henrik Ekholm (The Moth Gatherer).
It took a time to get it together audio- and video-wise, but we are super-excited to share the final result. Tiago Silva (Ashes of Life, Doomsday Videos) did some superb video editing to top it off. So if you’re looking for a music video or lyric video, he’s your guy!
If you’re familar with “Vakaren”, you can notice that we changed the song up a bit. Most of the electronics are replaced by singer/songwriter and prog rock style acoustics. Hopefully, our take will provide a different perspective on the song.
Katatonia – Vakaren cover video and line-up details
So.. enough intro bullshit. Here’s the video you’ve (hopefully) been waiting for. Please leave comments, like and share it if you dig it, and if you haven’t heard our original music, I suggest you dive into that as well!
- Stefan Nordström – vocals (Soliloquium, Desolator, Ashes of Life)
- Giovanni Vigliotti – guitars, electronics, mix/master (Somnent)
- Henrik Ekholm – bass, additional vocals (The Moth Gatherer)
- Tiago Silva – video editing (Ashes of Life, Doomsday Videos)
Katatonia – Vakaren lyrics
Du är vakaren
Dina tankar går bredvid
Hand i hand med ljuset
Att se klart
Att aldrig vara sen
Jag hör ditt namn i bruset
Kylans port
Dörren utan lås
Dygnets cirkel runt dig
Om det nånsin går
Håll dig intill mig
Domen kommer
Det är så dom gör affärer
När man inte har nåt kvar att ge dom
Då kommer dom tillbaks
Ta det som ett löfte genom åren
Det finns ingen med en tanke som är klar
Bevakar ni mig nu
Jag har ett vapen i mitt hem
I det tysta huset
Men lämnar staden, landet
Kommer aldrig mer igen
Min hand kan snudda ljuset sen
Spegeln står vinklad så man ser
Snö och sedlar falla
Jag dansar tyst, bara två steg
Till höger och sen vänster
Man orkar inte mer
Men hade du gått förbi mig i staden där vi var
Innan jag hade åkt
Våra hjärtan hade lyst upp gatan då
Confused AF? Here’s the English translation
Anyway, I hope you enjoyed our cover, and that it leads you to explore our various musical projects. Hopefully, it’s not the last cover song we do together either!