What are the 10 best slam death metal bands to check out and what makes them awesome? Well, I’m not entirely sure, so this time I decided to invite a guest writer that knows better: Bren. Let’s dive into the world of slam death metal, and if you dig the article check out her online channels: Instagram | E-mail
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- Stefan Nordström
- Musician, songwriter, content creator, digital freelancer
- Stockholm, Sweden
- Bands: Desolator, Soliloquium, Ending Quest, Ashes of Life, Trees of Daymare, The Ashen Tree
- Social: Facebook | Instagram | YouTube
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What the hell is slam death metal?
Good question! Well, if brutal death metal isn’t brutal enough for you, slam death metal is the place to go. The style emphasizes slow, groovy, and heavily down-tuned guitar riffs, along with guttural, often pig-squeal vocals and intense breakdowns. Lyrics often go even further than the typical brutal death metal themes, being heavy on gore, violence and other extreme theme.
Many brutal death metal bands and other extreme bands like deathcore and grindcore bands can have elements of slam. It can be hard to know where the slam starts and ends so to speak. But these 5 famous bands that are not on the list is how the style begun and developed:
- Devourment
- Abominable Putridity
- Cerebral Incubation
- Pathology
- Epicardiectomy
10 best slam death metal bands
How many of these have you heard? Found anything interesting? Something missing? Hit us up!
1. Vulvectomy (Italy)
Vulvectomy has a brutal and grotesque sound, making their music incredibly fun to listen to, thanks to their rhythmic song structures.
Best song: “Gangrenous Testicular Deformity”
Album: “Post-Abortion Slut Fuck”
2. Hymenectomy (Russia)
Hymenectomy focuses mostly on gross and extreme topics such as coprophilia. Their chaotic sound consists of fast, unrhythmic compositions—perfect for listeners who want their music to feel erratic and intense.
(Keep in mind, we’re talking about slam metal, so “uplifting” is a relative term—this only applies to the instrumental aspect, not the themes.)
Best song: “Human Feces Collector”
Album: “Some Necrophiles Having Sex with Naked Autopsied Bodies in the Morgue”
3. Gutrectomy (Germany)
Gutrectomy explores topics like domestic violence, midgets, and lobotomy. Their rhythmic structure is consistent and linear, featuring low gutturals and a heavy atmosphere. This is my personal favorite, but if I’m ranking purely based on technical aspects, it lands in third place.
Best song: “Wife Beater”
Album: “Slamaggedon”
4. Infantectomy (United States)
If you’re looking for a super smooth yet extremely heavy and fun slam metal band with actual uplifting rhythms, Infantectomy is the way to go. Their lyrical content revolves around infant sexual violence, abortion, and prostitution, while also advocating violence against pedophiles.
Best song: “Infant Slamming Beatdown”
Album: “Monstrous Obscenities”
5. Kraanium (Norway)
Kraanium focuses on immersing the listener in their music by setting up strong narratives for their songs. Their mix of pig squeals, deep gutturals, and dark, low-toned instrumentals creates an unforgiving atmosphere. Their themes include torture, homicide, rape, and necrophilia—no pity, no restraint.
6. Party Cannon (Scotland)
Party Cannon has an interesting contrast: they maintain the raw heaviness of slam metal while injecting a playful, almost comedic energy into their music. Their fun themes mixed with serious technical execution create a unique sound.
Best song: “There’s a Reason You’re Single”
Album: “Partied in Half”
7. Torsofuck (Finland)
Torsofuck is filthy, grotesque, and absolutely barbaric. Their sound carries a strong thrash influence, making them stand out in the slam scene. Their lyrical themes revolve around coprophilia, homosexuality (specifically lesbian themes), rape, zoophilia, and extreme violence.
Best song: “Cannibal”
Album: “Torsofuck/Lymphatic Phlegm” (Split)
8. Visceral Disgorge (United States)
Visceral Disgorge’s sound is defined by loopy vocals, speed drumming, and high-pitched guitars, creating a distinct blend of traditional slam metal with a unique edge.
Their lyrical content focuses on horror, terror, gore, and death.
Best song: “Absorbed by the Swarm”
Album: “Slithering Evisceration”
9. Rotten Penetration (Brazil)
Rotten Penetration delivers an insane guitar performance, maintaining an incredibly underground yet highly skilled sound. Their raspy vocals and fast beats give off a raw, energetic vibe that can hype up any listener.
10. Esophagus (Chile)
The band mix very grotesque, steady vocals with fast instrumentals with this combination it makes the best way to please both needs of one while listening to slam metal: speed and heaviness.
Extra: Gorgasm
While primarily a brutal death metal band, Gorgasm incorporates a lot of slam influences into their music, making them worth mentioning in this list.
Stefan’s slam death tip: Degrade

According to RateYourMusic, Degrade is somewhere on the edge of brutal death metal and slam death metal, but it’s far as I’ve gone into the genre. I mean, there are torsos everywhere, but sadly no -ectomy. Anyway, the band’s sole album “Lost Torso Found” is groovy and catchy as hell. I love the partying to this, especially the hits.
Best song: “Torso Extraction”
Conclusion – slam death metal bands
Well, there you go: 10, even 12, slam death metal bands to check out. Hope you found some new favorites among our picks. Massive thanks to Bren for putting together these tips, and follow her on Instagram if you dig it. I hope you enjoyed the guest article, because it’s probably not the last one.
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I run this website to share cool music tips with other fans, but also to promote my music. My main project is my progressive death/doom metal band Soliloquium. Maybe not every slam death metal fan would like, but give it a shot if you dig what I do. Check out the Bandcamp page for the latest digital music and physical merch.