Here you can find lyrics for the 2018 Soliloquium album “Contemplations”.


(featuring Mikko Heikkilä)

Chemical imbalance and its furious thrusts
The price I wouldn’t pay for a moment of calm
A strong will confined in a withering shape
Kicking and screaming perpetually

Many thoughts, many seasons passed
Countless hours spent in turmoil
Beyond the inner twists, what truly remains of me?
Is peace only found in the endgame?

Even lazy summer days are filled with abstract need
In endless search for what’s missing beneath

A creeping sense of desperation
The twisted faces in the periphery
A reluctant smile, facade of the unseen
Spiralling thoughts of what could have been

The intoxicating moments when I gaze into a world of colours
This flicker of life is a haven, yet the ultimate of insults
Nothing remains of intuition and instinct, core and essence
I am but a machine, the martyr of my own creation

At the heart of what could have been
In light of what I’ve become
I feel betrayed
The glimmering surface is rid with holes


Did you choose to walk away, yet never strayed?
Did you see the pristine, beyond the passing hours?
Did your mind stray to the horizon?
Was it a disorder to dream?

There’s no moment to dwell in, only what lingers ahead
The treacherous footprints of a wanderer’s path
There’s always another flicker in the distance
A promise of something more

Small things, distractions in the periphery
The crippling weight of longing
Insatiable remnant of the past
Eyes to the sun, I offer no reply




The journey grew us weary
Voices, but a distant sigh
White noise to fetter us
A distant echo of goodbyes

When was this life even remotely ours to live?
The dreams lingering in expecting eyes
Did I even ever own the innermost thought and desire?
It was nothing, and now it’s all over

The more I learn
The more I wish I knew before
Before every score was settled
Before my life was lived

It’s the precious time
Never to be returned
It’s my very essence
Gone forlorn

“Unfulfilling Prophecy”

Tired, uninspired in pacifying sleep
The nine hour surge reveals a deprecated self
Arranged a life for watching eyes, weary soul’s confine
This material construction, a flawed comfort

Lifelong disappointments brew below the polished surface
In ice cold dependency to a desperate routine

Another days deeds perfected, with blood taste upon barren tongue
A lethargy of senses for you know tomorrow (will be the same)

How can you master the role of a machine?
Drone through waking hour with blind belief
How can you master the role of a machine?
Perfecting the same pattern in Monday morning fallacy

Eyes set to the task, desensitized
Is this your dream? Common monotony
An idle overseer of necessary evils
Glance no further, the flair of the moment is gone

Waking hour, glory askew
All that’s been lost and won
Was it all for show?
Was it all for nothing?
This monumental sacrifice

“For the Accursed”

Our joy and tears
Our depleted hearts
I arrive bearing colours
A light for us who never saw

“In Affect”

(featuring Mikko Heikkilä)

Tired conversations with myself, mesh of voices echoing
Recurring patterns of declining thought
An empty stare, a wandering mind

Slave to a rampant pathos, the laments of a weary soul
Unbound in pursuit to structure the intangible
I am the grave-like silence
I am the product of this white noise creation

Could never attune to distorted visions
An admission of the outcast, the consummate offense
I see myself drawn to fire as on film
I am the spectator of my own downfall

Searched and scoured rituals and empty deeds
In spite of my attempts, each vision is one of exit signs

No worldly comfort can rest the most active of minds


Creeping forth are images distorted by time
Nights of youthful glory, the defining moments
As a fading gallery of someone else’s life

The world’s beauty elevated from this mire of concrete
The cold stares of this wretched city, I am all this madness amplified

As the story fades
Dearest memory to remnant of grey
What was once all, now the weakening life source
I’m a passenger, an ember of a different time

Has it all been said and done?
Have we conceded to what’s been lost and won?
In my mind I still roam, radiant and pure
Desperate to find a way to dream again

Lyrics to other Soliloquium releases:

“An Empty Frame” (2016) ->
“Things We Leave Behind” (2020) ->