“Själamörker” is the second single from the upcoming Soliloquium album “Famine”, and the first ever Soliloquium song in Swedish. Have a listen and see what you think – the full album is out on April 11th on Meuse Music Records. You can pre-order the CD and digital music from the Soliloquium Bandcamp page.
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- Stefan Nordström
- Musician, songwriter, content creator, digital freelancer
- Stockholm, Sweden
- Bands: Desolator, Soliloquium, Ending Quest, Ashes of Life, Trees of Daymare, The Ashen Tree
- Social: Facebook | Instagram | YouTube
- Stay in touch: Newsletter signup
- Support my work on PayPal: 1€ | 2€ | 5€ | 10€
“Själamörker” lyrics
Det du har till låns
Och det som består
Vrider och vänder
På samma gamla ord
Faller i glömska och förgår
Trotsar vägen som bar oss alla
En inre avgrund öppnar sig
Och vad finner du där?
Bedövande tystnad
Allt och inget, evighet och nu?
Ljusen är många, men de bedrar
Flydda gudars tomrum och dunkla ekon
Klämtande klockor, livskurs på flykt
Dödfött hopp, existens i panik
En oförrätt utan skuld
Ilska vänd inåt, ensamhetens leda
Den yttersta synden, den inre flykten
Ger mig själv ingen nåd
Slutgiltig insikt i destruktion
Att slåss inombords, söka, sälja en själ
English translation of the “Själamörker” lyrics
Not familiar with Swedish? Here is a rough English translation for you.
What you have borrowed
And what remains
Twisting and turning
The same old words
Falling into forgetfulness and fades away
Defying the path that carried us all
An inner abyss opens up
And what is there to find?
Numbing silence
Everything and nothing, eternity and now?
The lights are many, but they deceive
The void of bygone gods and dark echoes
Tolling bells, a life course in flight
Stillborn hope, existence in panic
Wronged with no one to blame
Anger turned inward, the weariness of loneliness
The ultimate sin, the inner escape
Allowing myself no mercy
Final insight in destruction
To struggle within, to search for, to sell a soul
Stefan Nordström – vocals, guitars, songwriting, lyrics
Jonas Bergkvist – bass
Xines – drums
Henrik Ekholm – additional vocals
Jari Lindholm – mixing, mastering
Read more about the album:
Pre-order the album (digital & physical) ->